In a statement issued on Friday, May 26, four members of the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association’s 15-member Board of Directors jointly tendered their resignations.
Roping director Jolee Lautaret-Jordon, First Frontier Circuit Director Kathi Myers, Great Lakes Circuit Director Becky Nix and Prairie Circuit Director Kim Thomas resigned, effective immediately. Of the several concerns raised in their letter of resignation, the four ladies cited the recent firing of the association’s executive secretary.
According to WPRA President Jimmie Munroe, the vacated Board positions will be filled according to procedures outlined in the association’s rulebook.
[WPRA Rule 4.1.9. In case of any vacancy on the Board of Directors by death, resignation, disqualification, increase in number, or other cause the remaining Directors by affirmative vote of the majority thereof may elect a successor to serve until the next regular election, for that position.]
“What we will do moving forward is we will appoint someone to fill each vacancy in the interim, and we have the scheduled 2023 election coming up,” Munroe said. “Three director terms were coming up this year. A new appointee will be completing the last half of the year, and the WPRA will be having our election at the beginning of 2023. All except for the First Frontier Circuit are scheduled to be filled via the regular election.”
Munroe says she, along with the Board and WPRA Vice-President Heidi Schmidt, have discussed how the appointees are to be determined.
“We met again last night, and the directors have talked to people interested in serving as director, they’ve talked with some excellent people,” Munroe said. “We decided that before the Board made a decision, the Board wanted to make sure that anyone interested in this position would have the opportunity to reach out to myself or to Heidi Schmidt to be considered.”
WPRA members eligible and interested in filling a vacated seat should contact Munroe or Schmidt by Sunday, June 5 before 5 p.m. MT.
“The WPRA Board will meet on Monday, June 6 to consider these appointments,” Munroe said. “At that time, the Board will appoint people to serve the rest of the year.”
Barrel Racing Magazine will continue to track this developing story.