When Should You Use Split Reins?

Sharin Hall shares her thoughts on when it is appropriate to use split reins.

BarrelRacing.com coach and leading barrel futurity horse trainer Sharin Hall discusses when she feels is the correct time to use split reins and for what reasons she chooses to.

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About Sharin Hall

Based in Pilot Point, Texas, Sharin Hall is a leading futurity trainer and million-dollar rider whose horsemanship and training have evolved over the years, subsequently leading to her massive win at the Breeder’s Challenge in 2021. Hall has a commitment to detail and horsemanship that she has gone to great lengths to make sure her horses are comfortable. With a mission to keep the needs of performance horses front and center, Hall developed Pro Series Tack. Hall realizes that having correctly fitting and comfortable tack coupled with correct horsemanship and training make for a winning combination.

“I think taking the extra steps to keep your horse fit and sound coupled with good, consistent training is what goes into being successful,” Hall said. “To me, that’s a great trainer, it’s a combination of being consistent with all the small daily disciplined tasks to keep your horse fresh and fit and ready to compete to their full potential. I’ve done the futurities, I’m venturing more into the rodeo world and Women’s Rodeo World Championships. It all takes a lot of work. You’ve got to put in the time.”

In her series on BarrelRacing.com, Hall combines her training expertise, horsemanship skills and incredible knowledge of tack to give members tips and insights they can use in their own training. She covers a wide range of topics from tack, conformation, bloodlines, horsemanship, and the process of patterning 2- and 3-year-olds. She additionally gives some advice about building a winning bond with your horse.

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